Büro in Leatherhead, The Lodge

  • place Adresse: Thorncroft Manor, KT22 8JB Leatherhead
  • zoom_out_map Bürofläche: 10 bis 31 m2
  • people Meetingraumgröße: 2 bis 17 Personen

Büro mieten in Leatherhead, The Lodge

A converted, self-contained two-storey stable block built in the 18th century. The building consists of two open-plan floors of 2000 and 2400sq.ft respectively. The Lodge has the use of the café and lounge area located in the main manor house and occupants have full use of all the facilities within the main building.

Das bieten Ihnen diese Büroflächen

Details zur Lage in Leatherhead

Situated in the beautiful grounds of Thorncroft Manor beside the river Mole and just south of the town centre of Leatherhead.

Vorteile des Bürostandorts in Leatherhead

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