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Büro in Madrid, Capitán Haya

  • place Adresse: C/ Capitán Haya, 28020 Madrid
  • zoom_out_map Bürofläche: 10 bis 30 m2
  • people Meetingraumgröße: 2 bis 15 Personen

Büro mieten in Madrid, Capitán Haya

It offer you a range of services including the renting of offices, meeting rooms and training rooms, as well as Register address of companies.

Das bieten Ihnen diese Büroflächen

Details zur Lage in Madrid

A detailed location description of this property is temporarily unavailable. Rest assured that we’re aware of the issue and that we’re going to publish all the necessary info as soon as possible. Our deepest apologies.

Vorteile des Bürostandorts in Madrid

  • bus_alert Gute Nahverkehrsanbindung

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